The story of the "Ghost of Maiden's Peak" is very appealing to me for many reasons. I'll mention some of these reasons below:
The story is about an eternal love, about a maiden who fell in love with a man. But the maiden is not just any maiden; she's a beautiful and attractive maiden, which emphasizes her femininity. While the man is not just any man; he's a brave warrior, which emphasizes his musculinity. This makes the couple perfect for each other, and perfect for the story as well.
Although they love each other, the warrior left his love and sailed away to a war. This shows us how the warrior was brave and strong enough to leave his homeland as well as his love. The maiden let him go and told him that she'll wait for him instead of preventing him from going, which shows us how understanding she was. She loved him to the extent that she did not object when he decided to leave for she knew it was his choice, and she knew as well that he was leaving for a noble goal.
She told him she'll wait, and so she kept her word. She never gave up and she kept waiting, for she truly loved him. Waiting is one of the hardest things to do, especially when waiting for something that is not known when to happen, or if it will happen after all. Yet, she waited hopefully on the same cliff that she stood on when she said farewell, just so she could be the first to see his ship returning back. However, he never did, and she had to wait until her body turned into stone.
Although she became a stone, she's still standing. She's still waiting although she's not alive anymore. This makes this love eternal. A love that stayed forever alive in the hearts although the bodies were far apart. This is a story of true love that survived even after death.
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